Work Examples

MK Window Cleaning Examples of Before and After

At Mk Window Cleaning we pride ourselves in ensuring a professional job every time. What better way to demonstrate this by showing some before and after pictures of some of our services.

House Clean

A few before and after pics of our last house clean. This included some difficult to reach growth in the roof gullies and plastic trim re pinning above the con roof.

High Pressure Washing

A few before and after photos of a child’s play area at a local pub.
Rubber Matting substrate.

Roof Cleaning

This roof was heavily laden with moss, adding extra weight and potential damage in frost.
After the moss was removed with a light brush and scrape we rinse it off to move as much debris as possible. Once it dries off (as much as possible at the moment) we apply a chemical to kill all remaining moss and and lichen which over a period of months leaves the roof clean and free from moss.
We don’t recommend pressure washing on roofs due to the unseen damage it can cause as well as the health and Saftey implications.
We always clear and clean the gutters Soffits and facia as part of the package.

Graffiti Removal

Graffiti removal is another string to our bow! Tagging can be removed easily with the right equipment.